Avoid alcohol and aspirin/ ibuprofen and any vitamins that may thin your blood for 24 hours before your procedure
Do not discontinue prescribed medication before consulting your doctor
Stop using skincare products containing AHA/ 1% Retin A 6 weeks prior
Stop using brow growth serum 6 weeks prior to your appointment
Avoid chemical peels close to the area to be treated 3 weeks prior
Avoid tanning so I can assess your natural skin tone
All laser procedures on the area to be treated should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior to your procedure
Botox/ fillers in the area to be treated should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior
Avoid waxing, tinting or threading your eyebrows 1 week prior to your procedure
Please inform me if you have any allergies including Lidocaine or other numbing agents
Have a snack and hydrate before so you can stay comfortable throughout the procedure
Please start lips pre-care as soon as possible, any dry skin will severely affect colour retention!
If you have experienced cold sores, it is best to be prepared with antiviral tablets as stress on the lips will most likely cause a flare up. Lysine supplements may also help fight the virus, please talk to your GP or pharmacist about these
Drink 2 litres of water daily. Keep hydrated as dry/ chapped skin is harder to implant pigment and may result in lost of pigment
Apply a rich lip balm to hydrate and lock in moisture, especially before bed
Use a lip scrub or tooth brush to exfoliate lips
On the day of appointment, avoid using lip staining makeup product so I can assess your natural lip shade
Have a snack and hydrate before so you can stay comfortable throughout the procedure
Contact lens users please bring along your glasses and lens case
Stop using eyelash growth serum 6 weeks prior to your appointment.
Eyelash extensions has to be removed or it might be damaged during procedure
Do not apply stick on lashes on day of procedure
You may arrive with eyeliner done or bring along photos of how you usually draw them or how you would like them to look
Brows + Eyes
Avoid excessive alcohol as it may result in swelling and slow healing
Do not use brow/ lash growth serum for 6 weeks
Use a fresh pillowcase
Side sleepers may want to cover treated area with band-aid to prevent scab from rubbing off
Do not pick, scratch, or rub scabs as this might result in scarring and lost of pigment
Keep bangs/ fringe away from brows
First 7 days
Blot away any lymph that may ooze from treated area, repeat until oozing has stopped
Do not allow lymph to dry into crust as this will cause pigment loss
Wash day and night using a gentle cleanser, avoid skincare containing any acids (AHA, lactic, glycolic)
Pat dry with clean towel or tissue. Using cotton buds or clean hands, apply a tiny amount cream making sure in goes on the skin
First 10 days
Avoid swimming or any water activities
Avoid exercise that may cause excessive sweating
Avoid makeup and sunscreen on treated area
Avoid long hot showers or saunas, always wash face at the end of shower.
First 4 weeks
Avoid tanning or direct sun exposure
Avoid any facials or injectables
Once brows are healed, always apply sunscreen to prevent premature fading.
Avoid excessive alcohol as it may result in swelling and slow healing
Use a fresh pillowcase
Do not pick, scratch, or rub scabs as this might result in scarring and lost of pigment
Blot away any lymph that may ooze from treated area, repeat until oozing has stopped
Do not allow lymph to dry into crust as this will cause pigment loss
Avoid hot spicy food the day of treatment
You may use cold compress to reduce swelling
You may apply cream/ lip balm as many times as needed, be sure to clean lips before reapplying
Lips heal quicker, in approximately 10 days. They will look chapped and dry initially, when scabs are off it will look lighter. Full colour will bloom and look it’s truest colour at 4 weeks after procedure
Always apply lipbalm with SPF to prevent colour from premature fading